The wild ride of motherhood brings its unique set of challenges, and one not-so-friendly companion that likes to pop up right between the shoulder blades: upper back pain. I get it; as a physical therapist and mom of four, I’ve had my fair share of dealing with upper back discomfort. This unwelcome discomfort tends to show up during the both phases of pregnancy and postpartum, thanks to the incredible changes our bodies undergo – shifts in posture, hormonal chaos, and the everyday stressors of caring for a newborn.
This guide is your personalized roadmap through the maze of upper back pain during pregnancy and postpartum. We’ll chat about why your back is giving you grief and then dive into a set of exercises crafted just for you. These exercises aren’t just about relief; they’re your daily dose of self care and strengthening so you can be your best mom self. So, let’s embrace this journey to a healthier, pain-free mom life, let’s get started!
Causes of Upper Back Pain – For Moms
Let’s look into the why behind that discomfort between your shoulder blades during pregnancy and postpartum. Picture this as a journey through the many changes your body goes through. From shifts in posture, to hormones, to the added stress that comes with caring for a newborn. To learn more about the changes in your body that could be causing you pain and discomfort – click here. Understanding the impact these factors have on your upper back and the roots causes, can help you better navigate the road to relief. Because knowing what you’re up against is the first step to overcoming it.
3 Common Causes:
1. Shifts in posture during pregnancy and postpartum: First, upper back pain and posture go hand in hand, creating a dynamic duo that many moms are all too familiar with. During pregnancy and postpartum, the body undergoes significant shifts, impacting its alignment and putting extra strain on the upper back. The constant adjustments, coupled with the demands of motherhood, can compromise posture and lead to discomfort between the shoulder blades. Whether it’s the hunching over during breastfeeding or the strain from carrying a little one, maintaining good posture becomes a crucial component. This is the first step in alleviating and preventing upper back pain. By understanding this connection, we can actively work towards better postural awareness and a comfortable motherhood experience.
2. Muscle Weakness: Weak upper back and shoulder muscles can lead to poor posture, contributing to discomfort and pain. For moms navigating pregnancy, it can be a lot of work to hold ourselves in a good position all the time. Our upper back muscles need to be strong enough to support us. When this fails, our upper backs are more prone to aches. As these muscles lose their strength, the upper back becomes more vulnerable to aches and soreness. This highlights the importance of targeted exercises to build resilience and support a pain-free journey through motherhood.
3. Newborn Care: Caring for a toddler and a newborn is a physically demanding task that can take a toll on the upper back. Constantly lifting and carrying a toddler, combined with the repetitive motions of cradling and feeding a newborn, can strain the muscles between the shoulder blades. The demands of motherhood, especially with different aged children, create scenarios where the upper back overworks, often resulting in discomfort. Recognizing these challenges allows moms to implement strategies, including targeted exercises, to alleviate and prevent upper back pain. Check out our free guide here – 8 back friendly ways to perform infant care during your day.
How To Relieve Upper Back Pain
Recognizing the challenges that come with caring for a toddler and a newborn, it’s crucial to implement targeted exercises that focus on strengthening the upper back. These exercises not only aid in recovery but also provide resilience against the strains of daily caregiving activities. By emphasizing the importance of these targeted exercises, moms can work towards a stronger and more pain-resistant upper back.
5 Easy Exercises To Get You Started
- Bent Over Rows with Dumbbells:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing your body.
- Bend at your hips, keeping your back straight, and let the dumbbells hang at arm’s length.
- Pull the dumbbells towards your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades.
- Lower the weights back down with control.
- Keep your spine straight and your shoulders down and back. This should be a comfortable position.
- Rows with a Band:
- Secure the band at waist height.
- Stand facing the anchor point, holding the band with both hands.
- Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, and engage your core.
- Pull the band toward your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
- Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.
- Lat Pull Down with Bands:
- Secure the band overhead.
- Sit or kneel facing the anchor point, holding the band with both hands.
- Pull the band down towards your chest, engaging your lat muscles.
- Slowly return to the starting position, keeping control.
- Horizontal Abduction with Bands:
- Secure the band at chest height.
- Stand facing the anchor point, holding the band with both hands.
- Extend your arm out to the side, keeping it parallel to the ground.
- Slowly bring your arm back to the starting position and repeat.
- Think of your arms forming a “T” shape.
- External Rotation with Bands:
- Attach the band to a fixed point at waist height.
- Stand facing the anchor point – holding the band in both hands.
- Keep your elbow at a 90-degree angle and rotate your forearm outward.
- Return to the starting position and repeat.
Remember to maintain proper form, control the movements, and adjust the resistance level of the bands as needed for your fitness level.
Dr B Wrap Up
Prioritizing the strength and well-being of our upper back is not just a physical necessity but a crucial aspect of embracing the challenges and joys of motherhood. Recognizing the specific triggers, like weakened postural muscles and the demands of caring for little ones, empowers us to take proactive measures. By incorporating targeted exercise, you strengthen the right muscles, improve our posture and prevent discomfort. This journey toward a stronger and pain-resistant upper back is not only an investment in our physical health but a commitment to enjoying the precious moments of motherhood.